On May 31st, 2016 the head of the Organization of American States (OAS) -Mr. Luis Almagro- called for
an emergency meeting of regional governments to evaluate Venezuela´s respect for democracy and on
June 1st, 2016 the Permanent Council met, at the request of the Argentinian delegation, to discuss the
situation in Venezuela. Pursuant to article 20 of the Inter-American Democratic Charter (Democratic
Charter), on June 23, 2016, the Permanent Council (composed of representatives of all member states)
debated and assessed the actions required, if any, to foster the restoration of democracy in Venezuela.
The Democratic Charter and the Organization of American States
The Democratic Charter was approved by the General Assembly of OAS member states on September
11, 2001. The Democratic Charter recognizes that representative democracy is indispensable for the
stability and development of the region and thus, with due respect to the principle of nonintervention,
seeks to foster, promote and consolidate representative democracy as a form of government in all
member states.
Pursuant to article 3 of the Democratic Charter, democratic forms of government have the following
essential elements: i) respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, ii) access to and the exercise
of power in accordance with the rule of law, iii) holding periodic, free and fair elections and iv)
separation of powers and independence of the branches of government. While the foregoing are
considered to be the “essential elements” of representative democracies, the Democratic Charter
included transparency, probity, respect for social rights and freedom of expression and of the press as
essential components of the exercise of democracy.
The Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, along with 34 other independent states of the Americas, is a
member of the Organization of American States which adopted the Democratic Charter. OAS is a
multistate organization, comprised of all the independent states of the Americas, which seeks to support
democracy, human rights, security and development for all its member states.
OAS is governed by a General Assembly, with representatives for each member state, which convenes
annually unless special circumstances require an additional meeting. In addition to the meetings of the
Invoking the Inter-American Democratic Charter
General Assembly, the Ministers of Foreign Affairs of all member states have to meet and act as an
organ for consults to the General Assembly
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