OLS/Orenstein & Associates: Our Approach

Clear Solutions to Confusing Problems

While your problems may be complex and confusing, the advice you receive and the solutions we recommend should be clear and straightforward.  We believe in explaining problems and solutions clearly and straightforwardly so that clients understand exactly what their situation is.  Legal advice should never be murky.  If our clients are unclear about anything we have said, we want them to ask us.

You are our Priority

We don’t make you a priority based on how much you are spending; we make you a priority because you are our clients and we take your problems seriously. Every single one of our clients is our priority, and every one of them gets the same quick, excellent and reliable service.

The Golden Rule

Our Firm’s philosophy and approach are centred around obtaining excellent results for you.  We aim to do this as efficiently and effectively as possible.  Our goal is for you to be in a significantly better overall position at the completion of whatever request (whether it’s for advice, a case or a mandate) you have given us, than you were at the beginning of it. While it’s not possible to win absolutely every case, we pride ourselves on our ability to consistently obtain excellent results for you, our client.

The Right Approach

Our approach is that you should leave your first meeting with us feeling more reassured than when you came in, not more confused.  You should leave your first meeting with OLS with a clearer understanding of what your problem is and what you can do about it. From the outset and throughout the process, you should feel like you are dealing with a skilled professional who understands your problems and how to solve them.

No Conflict of Interest and Independence

OLS is completely independent and uninfluenced by the size or stature of the other side.  We will not preserve or develop future business opportunities at the expense of current clients.  Whether the other side is a Fortune 500 Company or a Machinist’s Union, we represent your interests and yours alone.

Only the Necessary People Working on Your File

We don’t put twenty people on your file or bill you for five people doing the same thing. The only people who will work on your file are the people who are necessary.

Customization/Excellent Solutions to Your Problems

It is not enough for your lawyer to provide you with excellent general advice.  The advice must fundamentally be based on their understanding of what you, the client, are hoping to achieve.   The lawyer must understand what you are hoping to achieve and use their legal knowledge to help you succeed as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Superior Quality

From the outset, we want you to feel that you are obtaining superior quality services.  From how you are treated to how your questions are answered to the advice you receive and the results you obtain, we want you to feel that you are receiving superior quality services.  Our advice and services are based on our expertise in labour law, our experience, our efficiency and our ability to understand our clients.  Our goal is for our advice and services to yield the best possible results for you.

Proactive approach vs. Reactive approach

An excellent professional finds ways to fix their clients’ problems and prevent them from recurring in the future.  We pride ourselves on our ability to fix your problems and root out the causes of your problems.  This enables you to save significant amounts of money by having your current problems solved and your future problems avoided altogether.

Don’t pay for what you don’t need

An excellent professional finds ways to fix their clients’ problems and prevent them from recurring in the future.  We pride ourselves on our ability to fix your problems and root out the causes of your problems.  This enables you to save significant amounts of money by having your current problems solved and your future problems avoided altogether.

Cooperation with other professionals

We value the work of other professionals. Other professionals offer unique skill sets and perspectives which we do not have. By combining our skills and knowledge, we are able to deliver the best result possible for you.  When we do not think we are best able to provide you with excellent and efficient service, we seek out another professional who we know can and will.  Providing great service is not just about doing an excellent job, it’s about knowing who to turn to if we are not the best qualified to do an excellent job.