Bacciardi and Partners Event: Strategic Cross-Border Alliances for Italian Mid-Size Companies Expanding Globally

Lorenzo BacciardiPartner, Bacciardi and Partners

June 08, 2016, ITALY, FORLÌ – CESENA Via Punta di Ferro, 2/a, 47122 Forlì

June 09, 2016, ITALY, ANCONA, Via Della Loggia, 1, 60131 Ancona


The Event is aimed at raising a deeper awareness, interest and appetite for cross-border strategic alliances together with institutional and/or industrial investor coming from Iran, Asia and the United States. The Italian mid-size companies attending the Event will receive strategic insight and have the opportunity to be in direct contact with foreign strategic investors, institutional or industrial in nature, explaining how:
a)mid-size Italian businesses may target and accomplish cross border strategic joint venture, alliances and M&A transactions as mean to better compete in the global market;
b)mid-size Italian businesses may raise finance to support their international growth and global expansion through alternative funding sources and financing.
a)mid-size Italian businesses can growth and flourish upon completion of strategic joint venture, alliances and M&A transactions or investments in the global arena; The Event will be attended by CEO and CFO coming from premier Italian mid-size companies doing business globally.

The Event will be held on June 08 and 09, 2016. The Event will be held on June 08, 2016 in Cesena-Forli, at the headquarters of Confindustria Cesena-Forlì, Punta di Ferro street, 2/a, and on June 09, 2016 in Ancona, at the headquarters of the Local Chamber of Commerce, Della Loggia street, 1. The Event will be sponsored by Uniondustria Forlì-Cesena and Confindustria Ancona as well as by the Local Chamber of Commerce of Forlì-Cesena and Ancona. The sponsorships granted by the aforesaid business associations will enable the Event to obtain very high turn out rate in terms of participant, which is expected to amount to approximately 50/60 attendees per venue. The Event will start at 10.00 A.M. and lasting throughout the day until 18.00 P.M. There shall be lunch break as well as tea & coffee breaks during the Event.


For the full detailed schedule please use the link below:
