Update from IR – Our Rebrand and Website Developments

Dear members,
As previously announced IR will be soon be having a rebrand as part of our own company development. These are really exciting times for IR and we are pleased that we can share some updates of what we have been doing;
Over the past 3-4 months our website has undergone some major changes which include:
– PAC Pages: These pages highlight our PAC groups and have a focus on creating an easy to use page for those browsing the website looking for specific assistance.  It features quick links to our Steering committees, relevant news and member focus articles.

– Updated member travel calendar: This is now our most used feature by members and has generated hundreds of meetings across the globe. We have recently updated the notifications you get via email to give you as much information about who is travelling to your jurisdiction as possible and ensuring you are made aware of it as soon as possible.

– Meet the Team: Our meet the team page now allows you to view all our key members of staff and also connect with them on social platforms such as LinkedIn.

– Favourites: You can now favourite a members profile on our website which saves it within your member area. This is an invaluable tool as it allows you to keep information secured in an easy to find location once logged into the member area.

– Updated member area: This area is ever changing and updating as we want to ensure you have full access to relevant information. We have now also added a ‘Forgot your Password’ link for those who need it.
During our upcoming rebrand the whole IR Website will be amended so we will keep you informed of these changes and provide updated IR logos for your International Focus pages. Our events page will be a focus of this as during the next 12 months we will be looking to host and co-host more meetings around the world, many of which being PAC group focused. 
Our website will of course keep changing and developing. This is always based on your feedback to ensure we provide a quality platform that promotes communication between members and also across our extensive web platforms. For example over the next 6-12 months we will be launching ‘Special Regions’ pages, our new rebranded format, updated pages that will feature member feedback, videos and testimonials all taken from member comments during our ‘On the Road’ conference in Shanghai. 
We thank you for all your feedback and look forward to showing you all the exciting new features and rebrand soon! 
Kind Regards,
Rebecca Burden
Client Manager, International Referral