Divorce by Agreement

Divorce by agreement is the simplest way to obtain a divorce in Japan. To obtain a divorce by agreement, couples need to agree on an amicable division of their property and custody for their children. After filling out a simple divorce registration (離婚届rikon todoke), both parties will sign, or stamp their hanko, on the form. This form is then delivered to the local city office to complete the divorce.

International couples are also allowed to obtain divorces by agreement but there are several downsides that need to be considered. First, due to the simple nature of the divorce registration form, there is no space to write in visitation agreements for children.

Furthermore, divorces by agreement are carried out at government offices without the involvement of a court of law and therefore they may not be considered valid under the laws of foreign states. Therefore, it is always best to discuss with a lawyer before considering obtaining a divorce by agreement.