A New Law Extends the Term of Protection of Rights Associated to Copyright: LAW NO. 5.247/14.

On July 24th, 2014, Law No. 5247/14, which modifies Articles 126 and 130 of the Law on Copyright and Related Rights, was sanctioned in Paraguay. Said Law, which was initially greatly repudiated by some local organizations linked to creativity and free dissemination of information, extends the term of protection of the rights of artists, interpreters and performers from fifty years to seventy years, and establishes the mechanism for computing such term, which commences: a) one year after the fixation of the interpretation or performance; b) the 1st of January of the year following that of the fixation of the interpretation or performance, in the case of orchestras or other choral groups; and c) the 1st of January of the year following that of the first publication of the phonogram, in the case of producers of phonograms.

This new provision brings the national legislation in line with other regional legislations, such as those in force in Argentina and Brazil, in matters related to the protection of rights related to copyright.

To access the full text of the Law, please follow the following link: LAW NO. 5247