The Apostille Convenion Becomes Effective In August 2014, in Paraguay

In July 10th, 2013, by means of Law No. 4987, the National Congress approved Hague Convention Abolishing the Requirement for Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents – The Apostille Convention, signed in The Hague on October 5th, 1961. The exchange of ratifications with respect to this convention was performed on December 10th, 2013.

Additionally, the Executive Power recently sanctioned Decree No. 520, by which the General Office of Consular Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was designate the authority in charge of issuing apostille throughout the national territory.

The Convention shall come into force on August 30th, 2014, by which, from said date on, all documents issued in one of the States that are parties to the Convention and shall produce effects in the Paraguayan territory will no longer require legalization, but only apostille, from the competent public institution or organism.