Recruiting for Global Assignments

Recruiting for Global Assignments

A recent survey of employers has highlighted several skills that give candidates a winning edge when applying for global positions. Results show that companies feel that those who are most likely to succeed in roles based in a foreign country would have:

  • Interpersonal and networking skills (60%)
  • Foreign language fluency (55%)
  • Sales ability (41%)
  • And…. be a single female

Of course, there is understandable legislation which prevents age, marital status and gender from appearing in vacancy details. However the survey from health insurance company, Expacare, shows that the above criteria are sought after for global assignments. In addition, 53% companies prefer candidates to be aged in their late twenties or early thirties.

Despite ongoing equality issues regarding pay and senior representation, 63% women feel that working abroad enhances their career prospects. Certainly, the number of female expats is rising, growing by an average of 3% annually.

Male or female, anyone relocating to a new country in any job role will need support in order to succeed. From the move itself to orientation and cultural awareness, the lower the stress levels, the quicker an individual and their family will settle into their new lives.

“A successful relocation often depends upon attention to detail. It’s easy to overlook services such as arranging driver’s licence, vehicle access or internet connection” explains Kevin Wieczorek of BTR International. “These aspects make a huge difference in how quickly an assignee settles into their new lifestyle – and job role.”

BTR International offers a range of corporate relocation solutions across the world. Regardless of who your successful candidate is, we’ll ensure that their relocation is as stress free as possible.

For more details, please email Kevin at [email protected] or call +44(0) 1582 495495.