Muluh & Partners joins IR as the exclusive IP Member in Cameroon.

International Referral, the world’s largest exclusive network of advisory firms is delighted to introduce Jude Muluh  of Muluh & Partners. Jude has joined IR as our exclusive IP Member in Cameroon.

With Cameroon being a bi-jural state where the French Civil Law and English Common Law operate pari passu municipal laws, Jude in a bid to stand the challenge did pupilage in some of the best and renowned law firms in both Anglophone and Francophone jurisdictions in the country. He has also validated some courses with the Institute of Chartered Ship Brokers (ICS) London. 

With this, he is able to criss – cross the legal terrain within which he operates and beyond. As an amicus academia, he is able to blend theory with practice which very so often puts him at the zenith in the course of discharging his duties as an attorney. Above all, he is daring.

Muluh & Partners is the idea of Jude Muluh, a Barrister, Solicitor & Researcher at law. 

Together with a cream of Legal Experts (Advocates, Solicitors, Academics and Consultants), we have couched a niche which puts us beyond the ordinary within the legal profession. Mindful of the fact that business today is crossing borders at ever increasing rates, having a trusted legal partner to help navigate the local legal and business terrain is critical for any organization doing business in and across borders. 

Our practice breadth, geographical reach, and industry knowledge provide us with insights into the issues that affect our clients most deeply and enable us to provide high quality business-oriented legal advice to assist them in achieving their commercial goals.With Cameroon being a bi-jural State, we are faced with two legal systems (English Common Law and French Civil Law) which operate pari passu our municipal laws. Thus our desirable list of well-trained experts makes the Firm to take pleasure in our reputation through out Central and West Africa. 

THE FIRM MULUH & PARTNERS provides a wide range of legal services to companies and individuals. Being a full service law firm, the firm is committed to delivering innovative solutions in the most practical and cost-effective way and has been at the centre of many of these industries’ largest and most high profile transactions and cases.  

If you have a requirement in this area, please get in touch with Jude directly or with the International Referral head office for an introduction.

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[email protected]
