Arbitration Award of Maritime Chamber of Greece
Under certain circumstances, an Arbitration Award by the Maritime Chamber of Greece can be annulled.
This can apply where the award has violated the prevailing moral considerations of the society.
It can also be annulled if it contravened public order provisions.
Further, when grounds for a review ‘de novo’ of the case apply, the award can also be annulled. For a
review ‘de novo’ to take place, the relevant evidence should exist prior to the award being heard.
Piraeus Court of Appeal Judgment no 379/2015, President: A. Plakidas, Rapporteur Judge: F.
Tserkeroglou, Attorneys at law: I. Haliakopoulos, M. Yabouranis, Maritime Law Review vol. 43, p. 56.
NOTE: Where there is documentation rebutting the award but drafted post-award issuance, no review
‘de novo’ can be founded.
The legal column was written by Manolis Eglezos, Attorney at law,
Manolis Eglezos & Associates Law Firm, Attorneys at Law and Consultants